Letter of cancellation of a bank account

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of cancellation of a bank account Various reasons can lead you to close your bank account (unacceptable bank fees, subscription to domiciliate the income without a lending bank following a loan, personal reason, assignment requiring a change of bank...). But you are not obliged to justify yourself to the bank.

The closing of the bank account is free, no fee will be asked. Certain regularizations must be made such as the debiting of all issued checks, the settlement of all credit refunds, all these reasons leading you to check your bank stubs and direct debits. You will also have to return your bank card as well as your checks, even if the bank does not claim them. Be careful with your checks, you'd better cross them out with a pen, as well as with your cards, cut them out to avoid any risk of theft or fraud.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Last name, first nameAddressCP - City
RecipientAddressCP - CityA [location], 25 04 2024
Subject: Request for cancellation of a bank account

Madam, Sir,

I hereby inform you of my wish to close my bank account No. The number as soon as possible.

Your account is in credit:
I kindly ask you to proceed with the transfer of the credit balance of this one on the bank account whose bank identification statement is attached to this letter.

Your account is in debit:
You will find enclosed with this letter, a check for the amount of (x) euros, for the payment of my debit balance.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
Your signature
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