Request for a delay in payment of social security contributions to URSSAF

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Request for a delay in payment of social security contributions to URSSAF Why ask URSSAF for a deferment of payment of social security contributions? As an employer of a company, you can request a deferment of payment from URSSAF. It is possible that, due to temporary cash flow difficulties, your company is unable to pay the totality of the social charges required by the URSSAF. Only the URSSAF director can decide to grant a delay in the payment of social security contributions. In order to benefit from this grace period, the employer must send a letter to the URSSAF management so that the latter can grant you this period for the payment of your employee contributions. In the body of the letter template, you should indicate the year of your contributions, the reasons and difficulties that prevent you from paying your social security contributions within the legal deadline, as well as the amount of the contribution. The presentation of financial guarantees is equally important in the letter requesting payment of social security contributions. The letter must be addressed to the URSSAF director. Is it possible to request a delay in the payment of employee and employer contributions? The answer is NO. In order for your request for deferment to be accepted by URSSAF, it is essential that you first pay all employee contributions. It is on the basis of the employer's contributions that you have paid to the URSSAF that the deferment of the debt will be worked out. As long as you have not paid them, you will not be granted this payment delay for the employer's contributions. The different reasons to be presented to obtain a delay of payment from the URSSAF The reasons must mainly relate to economic or financial difficulties that your company is going through or cash flow problems. For example, you can mention the following reasons:
-Loss of an important contract
-Sudden departure without giving instructions of the person in charge of the payment of the employer's contributions
-Loss of equipment due to fire or flood
-Non-payment of invoices from large customers
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Below is our sample letter template:

Last name, first nameAddressCP - City
RecipientAddressCP - CityA [location], 19 04 2024
References: (reference to be specified)
Subject: Request for deferment of payment of social security contributions to URSSAF

Mr. Director,

We acknowledge receipt of your request for payment of contributions in the amount of...(specify amount) to be paid before...(specify date)

Our current cash position does not allow us to pay your social security contributions. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could agree to a payment schedule in view of the financial difficulties our company is currently experiencing.

- (propose a payment schedule) -

We are aware of the application of the initial surcharges that are automatically generated according to your surcharge schedule, in this case, we would like a remission of the initial surcharge with this graceful appeal.

We agree to make a payment of...(specify amount) on...(specify date) of each month until our debt is paid.

We thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely
Your signature
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