Attestation of professional competence of the employee

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Attestation of professional competence of the employee Professional certification is a process by which an individual develops the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to perform a specific job. Once a person has completed a program of study, he or she receives a certificate obtained by passing an examination accredited by an organization or association that monitors and enforces the standards applicable to the industry concerned. A wide variety of industries and companies offer professional certification for highly technical and social service jobs in all types of arts occupations, including ballroom dancing. In each case, the certificate assures employers, clients, students and the public that the certificate holder is competent and professional. Professional certification shows employers and clients that you are committed to your profession and that you are well trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities because it shows that your skills have been evaluated and approved by a well-regarded professional organization.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Name, first name
CP - City
Name, first name
CP - City
To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to verify the employment of [last name / first name] who [works or worked] for [company name] as a [job title] from [date and year] to [date and year]. [He / She] [was or is] a [full-time or part-time] employee working [insert number of hours] per [week / month / year]. During this time, [He/She] worked approximately [estimated number of hours].As a [job title], his/her duties [were/are]: [list of duties]During his/ her period of employment, we found him/her to be a sincere, honest, hardworking, dedicated employee with a professional attitude and very good knowledge of the job. He has no problems in social relations and teamwork. We have no objections to him. We wish him all the best in life. Please contact me at [include phone number/email address] if you have any questions or need more information.
Supervisor's name and signature
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