Letter of request for renewal of long term sick leave

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of request for renewal of long term sick leave After consulting with the medical board, you may take an extended medical leave. Your illness must be disabling and its severity is certain to require prolonged treatment and care. In this case, you should send a letter of renewal of leave to the head of the Human Resources Department. A formal letter is required for your personnel file. Your letter must state the reason for your request for a leave of absence renewal. While you may explain your situation in person, a written letter provides the exact explanation of your need for leave. This makes the request easier to understand for the Human Resources Manager. Your request is then submitted to the medical board for review. Renewal may be requested and heard, if the physician authorized to conduct the examination is not a member of the medical board. The medical committee reviews your request and then gives its opinion to the administration.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Name, first name
CP - City
Company name and address
CP - City
By registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt
Request for renewal of long-term sick leave
I am currently on full-time sick leave until (date). Article L1225-48 of the Labor Code gives me the right to renew my leave under certain conditions.
My current state of health no longer allows me to perform my job properly. My attending physician advises me to extend my leave further so that I can fully recover.
I have included my doctor's letter to confirm that I must take this time off for my full recovery. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause. I intend to check my email periodically and work on some projects. [Include any specific details related to the work you will or will not be able to do.] When I return to work [date], I will do my best to catch up on all the work I missed during my leave of absence.
If any urgent issues arise while I am on sick leave, please contact me by e-mail or cell phone at [phone number]. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything related to the duties that are being handled by my replacement during my absence.
Yours sincerely
Your signature
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