Sample letter of refusal of the company mutual insurance

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letter template Sample letter of refusal of the company mutual insurance Even though the company health supplement is mandatory, in certain situations; you can waive it. If you do not want to join this type of mutual insurance, you should send a written request for exemption. You should send this letter with the supporting documents to your employer. If you are an employee who was on staff before the plan was set up, you can request a refusal from the mutual insurance company. The same applies to employees covered by a health insurance plan or those who benefit from the ACS. Here is an example of a letter of exemption from membership in the complementary health insurance plan.
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Below is our sample letter template:

First Name Last Name
Subject: Request for refusal of company health insurance I am sending you this letter to inform you of my refusal to join the group health insurance plan. My current situation (explain your situation) authorizes me to refuse to join the compulsory and collective health insurance plan.Hoping to receive a favorable response from you, I would like to request that you acknowledge receipt of the documents attached to my request as well as the supporting documents enclosing this letter (indicate your supporting documents: CMU-C certificate or individual health contract). I am aware of my decision and I renounce the benefits of the health care coverage that I should have under this plan.
Your signature
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