Letter of withdrawal from a position

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of withdrawal from a position You have applied for a job offer and your application has been accepted. However, for a variety of reasons, you are obliged to withdraw your application. You must therefore send a letter of withdrawal to the company. How should you write your letter? Don't waste any timeSince the company you applied to is counting on you to join its team, you must notify them as soon as possible. Don't waste any time in preparing your letter of withdrawal and sending it to the person in charge or, failing that, to the human resources department. Ideally, you should be able to hand-deliver your letter of withdrawal in good faith to avoid having your letter arrive after your presumed start date.Format your letterAdopt the classic format of business and professional letters. Start the letter with your contact information followed by the recipient's. Clearly state in the subject line that this is a letter of withdrawal from a job application, without forgetting the reference of the ad. Don't forget to thank the employer for the time spent studying your application. If you send your withdrawal letter by e-mail, the subject line should include your name and the words "withdraw application" with almost the same content as a paper letter.Be tactfulIf you have refused a job offer because you have found a position more suited to your expectations, make sure you have your employment contract or a promise to hire co-signed by you and your employer. It will certainly put you in a secure position. In the same case where you would, for example, have to write a letter of rejection for a job, conduct this step with finesse in order to preserve an excellent professional relationship with the employer who offered you the job. You will never know if the future holds a collaboration for you.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Name, first name
CP - City
Name, first name
CP - City
Subject : Letter of withdrawal of application for the offer ... (reference of the offer as well as the name of the medium in which you found the advertisement)Dear Sir or Madam, I, the undersigned ... (first name and surname of the applicant) regret to inform you that despite a favorable response to my application of ... (date of application) for the position of ... (specify the position or the reference of the advertisement to which you applied) in your company, because I am no longer able to accept this offer.Indeed, in the meantime, I have ... (explain the reason(s) for your withdrawal, for example: started a training course, accepted another offer ... and explain to them the reason why you wished to withdraw your application). As a result, I am no longer available for the job you offered me, even though the conditions were just right for me, but I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in my application. I would also like to thank you for the time you took to study my application, which led to an interview and my acceptance, even though I cannot now join your team. Thank you for your understanding.
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