Letter of dissatisfaction to your employer

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of dissatisfaction to your employer {Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, your employer may ask you to perform additional work outside of the legal work hours. If you feel that this is no longer reasonable, you have every right to notify the Labour Inspectorate and request a raid on your workplace.Night workIt is important that you know that night work, which is not included in the clause included in your employment contract, can only be performed under certain conditions provided for by the French Labor Code (articles L3122-29 to L3122-47 and R3122-8 to R3122-22). Night work must then take into account certain conditions. Night work must be an exception that is essential to the development of the company. Night work must be the subject of an industry or collective agreement. As a general rule, and unless waived, it must not exceed 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. An occupational physician must intervene and submit his assessment in order to reassure the employee. If these conditions are not respected, send your letter of dissatisfaction to the labor inspectorate. Right to compensationIf you have to work at night, your employer must give you the right to compensation. Among other things, you will be entitled to compensatory rest. This is a break or, if applicable, a salary compensation. This time off must be provided for in the branch or company agreement governing the organization of night work. You are also entitled to a medical examination by the occupational health department every six months. This will ensure that your health is maintained. If your rights are denied, you should contact the labor inspectorate.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Last and First NameAddressPostal Code, CityE-mailPhone
Mr. or Mrs. ... (Name and surname) Labour InspectorAddressCountry
At ... (place), on ... (date)
Subject:Complaint for ... (state with particularity the reason for your letter of dissatisfaction with your employer)
Madam or SirThe Labor Inspector,
I have the honor to inform you that I am currently employed by ...(name of company and contact information) since ... (date of hire: month and year). Unfortunately, my employer requires that I ... (mention in detail the requirement of your employer). This act does not comply with the provisions of the Labor Code applicable in this case.
(Example as applicable)Indeed, we have not entered into any agreement relating to night work. In fact, our company's situation should not require night work. My employer requires me to work ... (number of hours claimed) hours per day/per week. My employer does not provide me with the compensatory rest/wage compensation to which I am entitled. {I am enclosing the letters I sent to my employer to ask him to comply with his obligations, which have remained unanswered. Thanking you in advance, please accept, Madam or Mister Labor Inspector, the expression of my best wishes.
[Signature with Name and surname]
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