Free letter templates Justice

The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter. We offer you in our Justice section many examples of letters.

No one is supposed to ignore the law, you know this famous adage which means that everyone must know by heart every part of French law. But that in case of breaking the law, ignorance of this law will not excuse anyone. And if you need a criminal record or want to assert your rights on this page you will find writings to file your request.
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Sample letter Justice free seedlings

Letter to a lawyer

In a judicial or fiscal procedure, the contribution of a lawyer is more than necessary. In this type of procedure, the...

Déclaration sur l honneur de non condamnation

Indispensable pendant la création d’une entreprise au niveau du tribunal de commerce. Une déclaration sur...

Lettre de mise en demeure travaux

Il est plus judicieux de vous informer sur les caractéristiques d’une lettre de mise en demeure avant d’en...

Modèle de procuration pour retirer un document

Une lettre de procuration pour retirer un document donne normalement l'autorisation à la personne mentionnée de le...

Letter of proxy for packages

A letter of proxy is a letter that allows the principal to give an agent the ability to act on his behalf. When a...

Model Certificate of Inheritance

Do you have questions about how to obtain a certificate of inheritance? First and foremost, this document is proof that...

Letter of request for indulgence

Laws are made to keep the peace and security of a society. But sometimes, a few people may break the law for personal...

Modèle de lettre attestation de non condamnation

Une attestation de non-condamnation fait partie des documents juridiques essentiels pour la création d’une...

Model of certificate of entitlement to drive

A Certificate of Entitlement authenticates your driver's license. It contains all the lists of the categories obtained....

Sample dispute letter

Are you a victim of unfair solutions? It is always necessary to dispute if you find that you are in the right. To do...

Exemple de lettre pour signaler un mauvais traitement pour une personne âgée

Le programme des services de protection des adultes a été créé par les auxiliaires de la justice pour recevoir...

Letter of declaration of non-polygamy

Polygamy refers to the fact that one spouse aspires to take more than one spouse in a marriage. This can occur in the...

Demande de carte de résident

Une carte de résident est indispensable pour les personnes étrangères qui n'ont pas la nationalité d'un pays. Pour...

Letter requesting representation for a divorce to a lawyer

In a judicial or tax procedure, the contribution of a lawyer is more than necessary. In this type of procedure, the...

Courrier de demande de permis de visite

Tous les détenus au sein d’une prison ont le droit de recevoir de la visite venant de la famille ou d’un(e)...

Letter of release from liability

What is a letter of release? A release of liability allows a person or company to be exonerated and protected against...

Request for law enforcement presence for an event

The authority of a country recognizes that, during sports, special and cultural events, prefectural officials may be...

Letter to contest a sanction for illegal downloading

Challenging the warning You have just received a letter stating that you have illegally downloaded content. If this is...

Sample letter of denunciation to the police

How does a police report work? Have you noticed an offence around you and wish to report it? What are the procedures to...

Letter to dispute bailiff fees

Conflicting casesJudicial officers have certain powers which only they are entitled to, especially concerning the...

Letter to the judge for a judicial separation of property

A decision made beforehandThe separation of spouses often involves an equitable division of property. If the spouses...

Lettre de demande de changement de nom de famille

Une demande écrite bien précise Plusieurs raisons peuvent vous amener à vouloir changer de patronyme. Le code...

Letter to the judge to obtain the right to visit the grandparents

Here is a free sample letter that allows you. As a grandparent, you can ask the family court judge (JAF) for visiting...

Letter of complaint for poorly done work

A letter of complaintis called a letter of complaint any document aimed at obtaining compensation for a disappointing...

Request for a criminal record extract

You want to obtain a criminal record for a new job or for any other reason. You can make a formal request for your...

Certificate of honour

On this page, provides you with a sample letter. This letter template aims at helping you to write a...