Letter to the mediator of the employment office that refuses my allowance

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letter template Letter to the mediator of the employment office that refuses my allowance Many unemployed people suffer penalizing judgments from Pôle-Emploi: refusal and reduction of benefits, reduced duration of payment, refused registration... The consequences for claimants range from repayment of overpayments or undue payments to deregistration.

An unprecedented refusal
The procedures are complicated, especially for claimants. Let's take X as an example. Without any specific justification, Pôle-Emploi refuses his benefit, which is not in accordance with the law. So X appeals to a mediator from this service and gives him more information. The mediator then confirms the refusal of the allowance
It is clear that the mediator is there to support Pôle-Emploi's decisions and not to facilitate dialogue between the two parties. This explains the refusal of the allowance, because it is normal that the mediator paid by Pôle-Emploi has to defend his interests, but also because hierarchically, he is under the authority of the General Director or the National Director.

What is the real role of the mediator?
Thus, we can say that the Mediator highlights the decisions taken within Pôle- Emploi without taking into account the appeals which are sometimes well-founded and he does not really go into the questions and the problems posed. To this end, X can challenge the Mediator to share his arguments and defend his right. Moreover, even if the referral is made normally, the response time of the Mediators is always too long.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Last name, first nameAddressCP - City
First name and surname of the MediatorAddress of the Pôle-Emploi Mediator (he/she may be the Mediator at national or regional level. The address is communicated by the Pôle-Emploi branch)CP - VilleA [location], 20 04 2024
Subject: Contesting the refusal of compensation or appealing against the refusal of compensation by the Mediator of Pole-Emploi

Madam/Mr. Mediator,

Employed at COMPANY NAME since EXACT DATE, for personal reasons, I had to leave my position at XXX by submitting a letter of resignation and completing my two months' notice. I then quit on EXACT DATE. On the EXACT DATE, I went to the Pôle-Emploi to benefit from my rights following several calls. However, my request was not taken into account by the latter. This is why I appealed to you to resolve my situation.
But following my request filed with your services on (specify the date), a notification concerning your decision to refuse my compensation was also sent to me and I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated (specify the date), for the following reasons (specify the reasons for refusal).

By this letter, I declare that I contest this decision for various reasons. To the best of my knowledge and in terms of "Law", a benefit can only be denied on the basis of genuine facts and is not established on doubt.

- First of all, I believe that I complied with all the obligations that you imposed, precisely because I wanted to keep my rights as well as my unemployment benefit.
- I disagree, because I did not get any details from you. Moreover, I think that we should have been informed well in advance about the risks that could lead to the refusal of my allowance. For personal reasons, I really need it, as I no longer receive a salary.
- I would like the IPR to hear me, not to confirm your refusal once again, but to explain to me in person the reasons for your refusal that I cannot understand.{Before sending this letter, I have already tried to make an appointment with a supervisor to review my case, but I have not received an answer. Please reconsider my case and grant me the allowances to which I am entitled. It would be my duty to refer my case to the Regional Joint Instance to inform them of my situation if this is not the case. I also ask you to agree to an amicable meeting so that we can see together the solutions to the problems, which I hardly know of, that have led to this inconvenience.

I think that the IPR will not be the person who rejected my application or any other person who might have a link with this refusal. If the IPR makes a decision to deny me my unemployment benefit, I will have to go to the district court, knowing that the amount of my benefit is less than 10,000 euros.

To this end, I am attaching new elements and supporting documents necessary throughout the procedure to this letter attesting to my circumstances. In the hope of a favorable response, please accept, Madam/Mr. Mediator, the expression of my respectful consideration.
Your signature
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