Letter of application for a diploma

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of application for a diploma You graduated from a school and now you want to get a copy of it. Here is an example of a letter to use to ask your former school or the academy for a duplicate of your diploma.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Name, first name
CP - City
Name, first name
CP - City
Subject: Application for a degree Having followed a course of study at your university, I have succeeded in obtaining the [nature of the degree: Bachelor's/Master's/Doctorate] in your institution. Indeed, during the month of September, I managed to obtain the necessary credits. However, I still do not have this document. In order to be able to continue my studies at [name of university], it is imperative that I present them with a [nature of degree] diploma. It is important to know that I graduated on [date]. It is necessary that I have the diploma before I can complete my registration at this institution. I would like to have access to this important document as soon as possible. The documents required for the application are attached to this letter. If you need any other documents, I am at your disposal. I would like you to send this document to the above address. To avoid any inconvenience in sending the diploma, I have enclosed the sum of X euros. It will be used to cover the cost of postage, photocopying and other essential expenses. With my thanks, please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurance of my respectful greetings.
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