Letter of protest for irregularity

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of protest for irregularity A letter of contestation PV for irregularity is a letter that you address to the competent entity in case you are sure that the reproach made in relation to your infraction is ill-founded or unjustified. Therefore, you write this letter of protest only when the report mentions irregularities that you can prove. In order to proceed, you have to write the letter and send it by registered mail. Do not forget to always take the acknowledgement of receipt after sending it. The letter of protest for irregularity does not have a standard or fixed model, it varies depending on the situation and how you are provided the ticket (automatically or not). But in general, this letter should be sent with the reason for the complaint, the original of the ticket, a photocopy of your car registration document and a photocopy of your driver's license. You should know that the recipient of your letter of complaint varies according to the object written on the ticket.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Name, first name
CP - City
Recipient (look at the note on the back of your ticket)
CP - City
In (City), on (Date)

Subject : Letter of contestation PV for irregularityReference of the PV (indicated on the ticket)
Madam, Sir
For the following offence (specify the exact reason of the ticket), in (city), I was fined on (specify the date).
I am sending you this letter to officially contest the above-mentioned penalty notice. Indeed, this ticket does not mention the signature and the number of the ticketing officer (you can also talk about other reasons for cancellation: error of date or registration number, exact place of offence, etc.).
Because of this irregularity in the form, the validity of the ticket is not valid within the meaning of article 429 of the Code of penal procedure. Therefore, I would be grateful if you would close this procedure without further action.
Please find enclosed the evidence to this effect, in the form of (document, photo, digital support, etc.)
For this reason, I would like to receive the notification of the cancellation of the penalty notice as soon as possible.
In this expectation, please receive, Madam, Sir, the Officer of the Public Prosecutor's Office, my respectful greetings.
Your signature
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