Letter of acknowledgement of debt

It is very important to write your letter carefully. The modele2lettre guide gives you advice on how to write a model letter %variable%. Continue reading this page for more information.

letter template Letter of acknowledgement of debt You make a loan to a family member, a friend or an individual. Here is an example of a letter of acknowledgement of debt or loan between individuals that will serve as proof in case of default on repayment of the amount borrowed. This letter must be handwritten by the lender and signed in duplicate. It is also important to note that any IOU whose amount exceeds 760€ must be declared to the tax authorities, whether or not it is subject to interest. The interest received must be declared on the lender's tax return, under the heading of income from movable capital.
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Below is our sample letter template:

Last name, first nameAddressCP - City
RecipientAddressCP - CityA [location], 27 07 2024
Subject: Acknowledgement of debt

I, the undersigned (specify name and surname), domiciled at (specify address), acknowledge that I owe to (specify name and surname), domiciled at (specify address), the sum of (specify the amount in words and figures), the amount of the loan he (she) has granted me by the delivery of the check n° (specify), drawn on the bank (specify) and dated (specify).

I undertake to reimburse him (her) for this sum, at the latest on (specify date), plus an interest rate of (specify).

Done to serve and be worth what is right.

Done at [place],
On 27 07 2024.
Your signature
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